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Rascal of the Day: Yoneq aka Elbert "Gene" Spriggs, Leader, 'The Twelve Tribes of Isr
Rascal: Yoneq aka Elbert "Gene" Spriggs, Leader, 'The Twelve Tribes of Israel' Rascally Act: Claiming direct communication line with...

A Fact Sheet on the Twelve Tribes Communities - A Cult's Ideologies.
Does this sound like a healthy place for people to live & roll model for children? Thought control is not religious freedom. 911...

"Visiting the Cafe That's So Good You Forget it's Run By a Cult" Article Review
Whilst this article exposes the fact that the Yellow Deli Restaurant chain, owned and operated by the half-billion dollar sect, the...

Cult Warning Signs
Some helpful resources to be found here: Ten warning signs of a potentially unsafe...

My Accidental Sleepover With a Cult
ORIGINAL SOURCE I docked my canoe at Watermelon Campground at last. I had just paddled about 150 miles on the Shenandoah River, which...

‘Leah Remini: Scientology’ accuses church of harassment
This week, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath took us to Clearwater, Fla., where a former Scientologist claimed to be on the...

Trump Election: A Cultic Example of Cognitive Dissonance
A cult implants false beliefs and that illusion can run-on for quite sometime. When truth sneaks into one's consciousness or a...

Red Right Hand - Laying Down the Law
Well, France did it. They passed anti-cult legislation. This gives us hope that Canada can do the same. Since 2001 the Picard Anti-Sect...

Sparking Fury
As a mother, I know that in my wellness, I would never, EVER leave my child behind, for anything. To uncover that children are being...
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