Sparking Fury
As a mother, I know that in my wellness, I would never, EVER leave my child behind, for anything. To uncover that children are being abandoned, abused and mind controlled by people who have been led to believe this is a good idea, infuriates me. To see this happening inside well established cults while local police, law makers, and members of the community sit idly by is enough for me to breathe fire.

Part of the lie of the permeating society we live in, a cult-like belief we hold, is to think that other people are doing what we are not. We assume governments and their bureaucratic machines are looking out for us, are good for us and are taking care of things, like good parents should.
Well, sorry to burst your proverbial bubble, this simply is not true.
In fact, I have had police officers approach ME asking for help gathering information so they have allowances to investigate something going on, something that is even beyond obvious suspicion!
If one was looking for evidence that the belief of 'something being done' held true, wouldn't it be noticed that testimony from ex-cult members, simply found in plethora online, should be weighty enough to move forward with and take substantial action on; to go in with educated counselors running the psychologically sound plan, homes or befitting stay pre-arranged, families contacted and trained, and handcuffs ready? Do we see this? Big. Fat. No.
In fact, more often it is the rare 'independent' news broadcaster that 'investigates' a suspected cult. Even with THAT evidence, society has not disparaged barely a scratch of appropriate action to stop such outright coercive trickery and abusive mental programming. Something that is well studied (see my blog article Cult Researchers and Educators) and known to be completely life altering, dangerous and abusive. Instead it is quite nearly the opposite! They claim religious freedom protection under societal law! Is it because then, if law was changed, that the members of the Vatican would too, be arrested?
So it seems we can talk about it, assist people who have exited cults & even be hired by a family to intervene on a person inside a cult. We can study and understand the psychology and inner mechanics of cults, write thesis papers on this even, yet they are free to operate, run restaurants (like the 12 Tribes Yellow Deli Restaurant), earn wads of money AND don't have to even pay taxes? HUH????
Do we mean say we do not have the appropriate legal structure to identify agencies of mind control and intervene to end them? Is it because then, that many a corporation that use similar methods to coerce willing consumers into purchases would also be intervened upon and placed into correctional facilities?
Are we seeing some trends here?
The ethics of all this sits barely even touched upon and consulted in most open arenas of discussion and application, evidencing yet another false belief of general culture: that we are so-called 'civilized'. Well, this may be disappointing to hear, but to be bereft of this level of ethical and moral obligation as a general rule, is befitting the title of barbarism, at best. Must we be vigilantes? Does batman need to get involved? Oh wait, there is no batman. Damn.
So in knowing this, it seems we have some work to do. Step one to problem solving is identifying the root of the problem, yes?
Mothers and fathers are the people who feel enough to know on a very profound level: if it were their child being pulverized by a beating so severe their skin was made into mince meat and told that if they ran away God would strike them down, there would be nothing to stop them from rescuing said child and making sure that action and those lies would not be continuing with others. Even the thought that it COULD'VE been their child could be enough.
For the moment, this means, it's up to us. We have been fooled into being far too complacent with the things that truly matter.
"They" are not getting this vital job done. You want to live in a civil, moral, just society, where sociopathic, misogynistic maniacs like Elbert Eugene Spriggs, (leader of the 12 Tribes of Israel cult) and his minions don't mind-zap (and financially rob) innocents, whilst slaving the women and children down to skin and bone? Then it's time for eyes and then mouths to open and the appropriate action to follow.
Many hands make light work. Time to figure this one out.
I am starting it by inviting the discussion, sharing the information, opening my mouth, seeking functional solutions. Maybe you or someone you know can easily do at least some of the same.