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A Fact Sheet on the Twelve Tribes Communities - A Cult's Ideologies.

Does this sound like a healthy place for people to live & roll model for children? Thought control is not religious freedom.

911 EMERGENCY SERVICES (POLICE-FIRE-AMBULANCE) may not be called without permission.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN is called an evil man who deserved to be killed.

AFRICAN AMERICANS AND ALL PEOPLE OF AFRICAN DESCENT are said to remain under God’s curse, and should still be slaves to white people, unless they become equal by joining the Twelve Tribes.

ALIMONY PAYMENTS for spouses living outside the community are avoided.

ASBESTOS REMOVAL SAFETY LAWS have been intentionally violated to save money.

BEDROOMS FOR SINGLE BROTHERS are usually very small and stuffy with two or more bunk beds.

BIRTHDAYS are not celebrated.

CHILD DISCIPLINE includes frequently hitting children with thin flexible rods on palms, butt, and thigh by any adult member for any form of disobedience on the first offense. Children are punished for fantasy make-believe play, imaginary friends, and anything considered foolishness.

CHILD EDUCATION is equal to a 7th grade public education at best. None of the children receive a GED or High School diploma. They are raised to remain within the community.

CHILD “SCOURGING” used to take place. Children would take off their clothes and be hit for longer periods of time with a flexible rod from the back of the neck to the heels. Am uncertain if this practice continues for very rebellious children

CHILD SEXUAL ABUSES have occurred, but it is almost always denied.

CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS for children living outside the community are avoided.

CHILD TOYS are not allowed, including dolls, stuffed animals, and little cars.

CHILDBIRTH PAIN is not to be lessened in any way, and is seen as God’s will and curse upon women.

CHRISTMAS is not celebrated.


CIRCUMCISION is performed at home on all male babies. May also be required for uncircumcised men.

CRITICISM AGAINST THE TRIBES is not allowed and is called “untrue, malicious lies, and slander.”

DISHWASHING MACHINES are usually discouraged in the homes. “Fellowship at the dish sink,” mainly for the single adult men, while the married people and teens disappear into thin air.

DOCTOR CHECK-UP’S are not usually allowed for babies, children, or adults.

DRUM SETS are not allowed.

DYING TO YOURSELF is commanded. “You just need to die, and give up your life.”

EASTER is not celebrated.

ELBERT EUGENE SPRIGGS “GENE” “YONEQ” AND HIS 4th WIFE, MARSHA ANN “HA EMEQ” DUVALL SPRIGGS are the founders and cannot be criticized by other members. Marsha avoided banishment after she lied about a sexual affair with a much younger disciple. Unmarried teens and adults have been banished for holding hands or kissing. This double-standard is unprecedented, but is mostly denied. When Gene finally found out, he said “her punishment will be that the world will know.” Gene and Marsha have decided all doctrine, rituals, food, clothing, and lifestyle for the Twelve Tribes. Gene’s only son from a previous marriage was never interested in joining and says his dad is leader of a cult.


EVANGELISM is a required activity.

EXHAUSTION is common, because members are to give 100% of all they are.

GOING OUT TO EAT is usually not allowed.

HEADBANDS must now be worn by members to the morning and evening gatherings.

HOMES are usually very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer.


IMMUNIZATIONS/VACCINATIONS are not allowed for babies, children, or adults. Whooping cough and other illnesses have disabled entire communities as a result.

IPOD’S and MP3 PLAYERS are not allowed.

JEWISH FESTIVALS are now celebrated.

LINGERIE is not allowed. LYING is allowed and encouraged when needed to legally protect the community or individual members.

MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. is called an evil man who deserved to be killed.

MEDICAL DOCTORS are avoided.

MEDICAL INSURANCE is not provided, and is denounced.

MEDICAL NEGLECT is not uncommon, mainly due to insufficient finances, and refusal to buy health insurance for the members. Babies and adults have died from conditions that could have been treated. They would rather take a member to a chiropractor than to a medical doctor or hospital. They will try to barter with dentists and doctors when they can’t avoid their services.

MEDICATIONS are generally not allowed or reduced as much as possible.

MEMBERS WHO LEAVE are condemned by God to Death and possibly the Eternal Lake of Fire.

PERSONAL COMPUTERS are allowed for some, but not for most members.

PERSONAL OPINIONS are to be set aside and forgotten.

PONYTAILS, short in length, are required for men and boys.

RADIO is not allowed.

RETIREMENT is not allowed.

SABBATH DAY OF REST (SATURDAY) WORK is performed in the late afternoon on Saturdays.

SHAVING ANY PART OF THE BODY is not allowed for men or women.

SHEPHERDS are the ruling authority over the household “sheep” which includes you and your family.

SHEEP-LIKE QUALITIES are desired in members, such as being easily led.

SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY is sided with in the US Civil War as being more righteous than the North.

TELEVISION is not allowed.


-The Bible exists only for their benefit.

-To eventually be parenting the 144,000 male virgin evangelists of the Bible book of Revelation.


-The only people who are able to understand the Bible.

-The only people who are being saved by God from their sins.

-The only people who have God’s Holy Spirit since the 1st century.

-The only people who really love each other.

-The only people who see and understand life objectively.

-The people God will use to bring about the end of the current world system. -The true Jews.

THINKING FOR YOURSELF is condemned. The “Mind of the Body” (Tribes mindset and Teachings)” replaces your own personal opinions and mental reasoning. “You just need to take off your head, put it on a shelf, and put on the “Mind of the Body.” “We need a new mind.” “We were taught to think all the wrong ways in the world.”

UNSAFE WORK CONDITIONS have contributed to serious injuries, such as members falling off high ladders and roofs.

VACATIONS are not allowed, though shepherds and their families do “have some time away.” WAGES are not paid. All members are volunteers who only receive room and board.

WALMART is avoided.

WATER DRINKING FOUNTAINS are not allowed, even though not having them makes for a huge amount of dirty glasses to wash in the homes.

WOMEN are to all be under the authority of men, and none have government positions in the Tribes.


WORK all day and all evening, six days a week, has been the norm for years.

WORKMAN’S COMPENSATION INSURANCE is avoided. This is just some of what members must believe and practice. Most of the members i have known are kind and sincere people. My experience was that if you live there long enough, "you have revelation about all things". In other words, all seems "normal." "It's the world that is abnormal."

A Twelve Tribes Wedding Ritual



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