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Trump Election: A Cultic Example of Cognitive Dissonance

A cult implants false beliefs and that illusion can run-on for quite sometime. When truth sneaks into one's consciousness or a contradictory piece of evidence emerges, cult members often feel something called cognitive dissonance:

"cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance


the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change."

This mental 'state' is the root cause of the anti-Trump rallies happening in the U.S. at the moment. Hillary Clinton and the NWO Cabal that puppets her have been running a specific false belief gambit for decades and their evil game is now up. So those who have believed their doctrine for so long are in a state of shock, especially after being strongly programmed to hate Trump, judging him harshly for minor, non-politically correct reasons, whilst a pedophile, Satan worshiping insane woman is triumphed merely because of her gender and can 'do no wrong'.

Understanding how propaganda affects minds, how mind control is used in politics, is vital to avoid being indoctrinated into cult-like false doctrines and activities which are geared to shut off people's critical thinking skills. It behooves us all to study some basic psychology and watch for the tricks of the trade that cult leaders and their accomplices use to gather favour for their agendas.

Evidence of this, which has come through so glaringly pristine through this election process, is the bought out main stream media who is currently undergoing a radical tanking on all levels, as is right and just for participating in perpetuating cult programming of the masses.

A crack in the code has for the deprogramming, healing, repairing and resetting.

Exciting times ahead.



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