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The Cult of Jillian Mai Thi
Having extensively researched the phenomenon of cults, I am extremely attuned to the makings of a cult leader by their specific...

Rascal of the Day: Yoneq aka Elbert "Gene" Spriggs, Leader, 'The Twelve Tribes of Isr
Rascal: Yoneq aka Elbert "Gene" Spriggs, Leader, 'The Twelve Tribes of Israel' Rascally Act: Claiming direct communication line with...

A Fact Sheet on the Twelve Tribes Communities - A Cult's Ideologies.
Does this sound like a healthy place for people to live & roll model for children? Thought control is not religious freedom. 911...

School zone enforcement 'a cash grab' - Shady 12 Tribes School Designation & Easy Cash G
Critics claim city circumvents spirit of the law with enforcement practices. The city of Winnipeg is likely using mobile radar units to...

Trailer "More Than Good Food"
A few new documentaries are in the works exposing the cult of The 12 Tribes of Israel. One is called "More Than Good Food" by Jonathan...

"Visiting the Cafe That's So Good You Forget it's Run By a Cult" Article Review
Whilst this article exposes the fact that the Yellow Deli Restaurant chain, owned and operated by the half-billion dollar sect, the...

Cult Warning Signs
Some helpful resources to be found here: Ten warning signs of a potentially unsafe...

My Accidental Sleepover With a Cult
ORIGINAL SOURCE I docked my canoe at Watermelon Campground at last. I had just paddled about 150 miles on the Shenandoah River, which...

‘Leah Remini: Scientology’ accuses church of harassment
This week, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath took us to Clearwater, Fla., where a former Scientologist claimed to be on the...

First Generation Parents and Second Generation Children
Cults use the word of God to manipulate parents to emotionally and physically abandon their own children. They shift the blame and load...
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