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Rascal of the Day: Yoneq aka Elbert "Gene" Spriggs, Leader, 'The Twelve Tribes of Isr
Rascal: Yoneq aka Elbert "Gene" Spriggs, Leader, 'The Twelve Tribes of Israel' Rascally Act: Claiming direct communication line with...
A Fact Sheet on the Twelve Tribes Communities - A Cult's Ideologies.
Does this sound like a healthy place for people to live & roll model for children? Thought control is not religious freedom. 911...
Trailer "More Than Good Food"
A few new documentaries are in the works exposing the cult of The 12 Tribes of Israel. One is called "More Than Good Food" by Jonathan...
‘Leah Remini: Scientology’ accuses church of harassment
This week, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath took us to Clearwater, Fla., where a former Scientologist claimed to be on the...
Trump Election: A Cultic Example of Cognitive Dissonance
A cult implants false beliefs and that illusion can run-on for quite sometime. When truth sneaks into one's consciousness or a...
If Your Child Was Taken, What Would You Do?
Heflin says Vine Church hiding his granddaughter Chattanooga Times Randy Arnold 1980 Saying he was a “concerned grandfather who truly...
Decades of Cult Activities - For How Much Longer Do We Let Them Thrive?
Twins are ‘Rescued’ from Vine Church Chattanooga Times Bill Casteel December 27, 1979 "Johanna Nielsen was scheduled to be married last...
Cracking the Cult Code - Book Exerpt (1)
"In the 12 Tribes cult, every day twice a day each person is expected to voice their deepest thoughts to the group, that way the group...
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