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Cracking the Cult Code - Book Exerpt (1)

"In the 12 Tribes cult, every day twice a day each person is expected to voice their deepest thoughts to the group, that way the group always knows what everyone or anyone is thinking each day. If a person is showing dislike for the group they are dealt with early and either kept or routed out. Ever notice in society at large no likes a complainer, or rather if someone does stand up in our society and points out that something is wrong and everyone is doing it, well, that person gets shut down. It is also known as political correctness, a term that was invented in Stalin's Russia, to control people who did not agree with the State, the Jewish influence in Russia at that time can not be overstated. An excellent book on this topic is called “Illuminati, The Cult that Hijacked the World” by Henry Makow PhD.

Every cult is different with how much control they exert. For some it is reduced protein diet. For others it is strict daily regiment of repetition, like the military training drills. Repetition is a key part to shutting down the heart. Any time a feeling comes up that is 'critical feeling' like a hunch or a love feeling you are not to have. If you are in the military to kill someone else that is quickly identified by the cult enforcers and is routed out. Either the idea inside of that individual is erased or else the individual themselves is kicked out. The cult can not tolerate a person asking questions, doubting the authority. There is to be no critical thinking and no critical feeling."


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