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The Cult of Jillian Mai Thi
Having extensively researched the phenomenon of cults, I am extremely attuned to the makings of a cult leader by their specific...

Trailer "More Than Good Food"
A few new documentaries are in the works exposing the cult of The 12 Tribes of Israel. One is called "More Than Good Food" by Jonathan...

ADDENDUM 2 of Cracking the Cult Code - The Story of Ted Patrick and Snapping
A man named Ted Patrick developed the first remedy. A controversial figure dubbed by the cult world Black Lightning, Patrick was the...

If Your Child Was Taken, What Would You Do?
Heflin says Vine Church hiding his granddaughter Chattanooga Times Randy Arnold 1980 Saying he was a “concerned grandfather who truly...

Sparking Fury
As a mother, I know that in my wellness, I would never, EVER leave my child behind, for anything. To uncover that children are being...

Cult Researchers and Educators
We know it, study it, teach it, and even apply it in various ways, however cults still run rampant across the earth. Here is a list of...

Coercive Mind Control Tactics
Terminology note: Today Mind control or brainwashing in academia is commonly referred to as coercive persuasion, coercive psychological...

Cult Education: Resources Part (1)
Inside the Lawsuits that Could Finally Take Down the FLDS Mormon Cult How Cults Work Question 12 Tribes - NEWS Why I Left The 12 Tribe...
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