The Cult of Jillian Mai Thi
Having extensively researched the phenomenon of cults, I am extremely attuned to the makings of a cult leader by their specific behaviour: a megalomanical type of dictatorship, a bold and ruthless character that speaks in absolutes, a fastidious suffocater of dissenters and a level of manipulation that is whitewashed with goodness.
Whilst underneath their cunning oozes an ego as psychopathic as it comes. Having studied cult leaders, from the 12 Tribes' Eugene Spriggs, Scientology's David Miscavige, Heaven’s Gate Bonnie Nettles and Marshall Applewhite, Anne Hamilton-Byrne and dozens more, one becomes hyper attuned to the patterns of a cult leader personality sub-type.
Extending this behaviour out into the medical field there exist people running clever frauds which run their gambits similarly. A trained eye can easily spot all the trimmings of a cult leader. The promise of health "salvation", the intense declaration that their way is 'the only way', the punishment of anyone who dare question their authority and rewards given to those who obey, are only some of the common themes that will be found in a questionable purporter of the road to full and long lasting health.
As well, often are found outrageous claims, carelessness and a rugged insensitivity toward people who are not doing so well on their oft extreme protocols. They are instructed to 'push through' or 'never stop' the protocol, even though it sends many to hospital, hand fulls of hair fall out, their skin swells, discolours and breaks out in strange rashes, their bodies become weak, they can't stop vomiting... they are told the same story again and again, you are just detoxing, keep going...if feces isn't running down your leg, you aren't doing it right.
I wish to touch up one of these health cult leaders who fits this exact claim. Her name is Jillian Mai Thi. She is a medically untrained woman who claims that drinking large amounts of fermented cabbage containing high levels of salt will rid the body of parasites that have been genetically programmed as weapons. Her facebook group is tightly controlled. She informs people who are feeling sick and confused by her dangerous protocol to just keep 'drinking more juice'. She tells her victims that if they are constipated to remove their feces with their fingers. She tells them to go off their medications and drink more of her juice instead. She makes claims that Down Syndrome can be fully reversed. She tells them their symptoms of illness are not poisoning from high levels of salt, but detox symptoms. Many believe her. She gathers their data ready to sell them her 'new book' once it is released.

The recklessness with which this deceptive woman feeds desperate people this half-baked cleanse is worthy of jail time. As a trained medical professional and healer myself in the holistic medicine field, I do not say things like this lightly. This woman is not there to serve people into health, she is there to profit from them, but moreso, carrying a classic cult leader trait of craving attention and needing respect, she is there for narcissistic feed from her congregation. She is a very damaged human.
People who are mind controlled into a set of belief systems are deeply convinced that their path and choices are their own and good for them. Inviting other information into play that may contradict that belief system brings with it cognitive dissonance: an uncomfortable sensation that prevents their minds from accepting the conflicting information. This makes the task of assisting people away from cult mind control extremely difficult and is the topic of many websites, books, conferences and strategists.
When anyone makes any drastic dietary shift, their bodies go though a type of shock which can create rapid bodily changes, like weight loss and the feeling of initial vitality. In religious cults we see this same phenomenon used to convert new members as euphoria from long hours of chanting or deep breathing, putting them into hypoxic, altered states where by they are convinced they are experiencing revelation.
Creating a toxic environment in the body can indeed kill parasitic hosts, however toxic environments can also kill the human host too. There is a fine balance to detoxing the body in a productive, successful manner that vitalizes the life force, rather than depleting it.
A trick of cults is that, on the outset, or for some people, there seems to be joy, health, or a benefit of some sort. There is a community. People who understand what you are going through. People who have been suffering, like you have. Understanding. Most people with chronic illness feel afraid and desire a community for support. A cult leader must gather enough people in some organized manner in order to supply this need to would-be victims and keep the game afoot.
In the health cult ideology, yes, some people may be vital enough to actually have a result that they would deem desirable, but it may be because they are employing other health measures. If an ideal was not evident in some way, people would never commit to joining in the first place. This is why many people discount groups of believers as cult members, since they only see the happy faces, the successful story tellers, the circle dancers, the recruiters who are happy with their delusions. These are the ones that sell their story to others and convince clear thinking people that this is the answer for their problems, too.
These are reasons that cults are so tricky to identify, until it's too late.
I am fervent in my exposure of true frauds like Jillian Mai Thi because she endangers people's lives. I know there was one man under her direction that died. She claimed he died because he didn't drink enough of her juice and follow her directions to the letter. I have friends who have done her cleanse and ended up in the hospital.
This situation needs attention and this woman needs to be stopped. In my medical training we were rigorously taught about how to ensure when designing health protocols for patients to 'first do no harm" and if a healing response occurred this was a sign that the detox organs were not functioning optimally and to slow down and ensure proper drainage before continuing. No one in their right mind would teach a doctor, a health professional in any field, to tell their patient to 'push through' something that could endanger their lives. Healers need to act knowledgeable and responsibly.
There are almost redundant laws to stop people just like Jillian Mai Thi. It's about time they are used.
Anonymous, for protection.