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Certain Adverse Events

This documentary shows the dangers of using quinolone antibiotics such as Cipro, Levaquin, Avelox, Floxin, Factive, etc.

Antibiotics are poisons and not medicine. We have been tricked away from natural remedy knowledge/common usage and sound nutritional information about how to prevent and cure illnesses. We have every plant available to us to cure ALL AILMENTS. We have been vaccinated which destroys our immune systems and natural mechanisms that then sets up the body for later (or immediate) disease states and also eventually sterilizes the lineage (eugenics).

This cult run medical mafia, that cares only about profits and the agenda of their handlers, NOT YOUR HEALTH OR WELL BEING, have falsified science to push their lies upon innocent people and then brainwash medical students to believe that drugs are good for everyone and natural remedies are dangerous. It's the exact opposite.

We are in perilous times and we must now step away from THEIR media which is the TV and newspapers and other propaganda via advertising and clean up our thinking... then truly educate ourselves on how to stay away from the medical cult and their cut, burn, poison philosophy that everyone has been brainwashed to beLIEve is medicine or healthcare.

The body does not need to be CUT OPEN TO HEAL! We have lost the real healing arts of repairing bone, tendon, ligaments, tissues and told it must be done manually only. Lies. However, many of us GENUINE HEALERS who try to work properly are attacked, our voices drowned out or are basically killed (see the over 100 holistic doctors murdered in the United States over the last year and a half)... So if you think you have any educated options, or proper informed consent, you don't... it's either the knife vs. suffer, and when it's the knife you suffer in recovery and then again later when their mechanisms fail. Cults sure love to torture people and tell them they should love it.

Regulation is control, but not in the way you may think. It is to control the healer and shut them up if they get out of line and to then slowly steer the groups into uselessness: diluting effectiveness, and pushing ulterior agendas from the top down.

Naturopathic doctors (NDs) have been put down for so long, they are so eager to be accepted by their mind controlled, egotistical MD counterparts, they are no longer nature doctors. Most are now almost just as arrogant and ignorant as the MD crowd, wanting to prove how much better they are than other people. The creativity, spirituality, the vibrational medicine, mocked, with less hours of it being taught in school. We now have to write extra PHARMA tests and are being pushed to sell their pharma drugs too. NDs are losing how they were taught to read the body with simple observation and are relying more and more on disease labels and tests, just like the poor, lost MDs who have no clue what they are doing when it comes to healing a body.

If an ND tells a patient that vaccines are toxic, poisonous crap and to avoid them (which is the truth) they can now lose their license. So for us political healers, we aren't allowed into the "big club", the one that won't rock the boat and speak out against corruption and lies! I know we will prevail eventually, but this is where things are at now. Group think in this way is very dangerous.

Why has it become this way? The medical cult works slowly and insidiously. Their strategy is "death by a thousand cuts". Always a cult's tactics are subversive. Smiley on the outside, devilish behind the eyes. They lure in their victims until it is too late for them to turn back.

There used to be homeopathic hospitals, naturopathic hospitals, chiropractic hospitals... all destroyed by the AMA (American Medical Association, which was set up specifically to destroy the AHA, the American Homeopathic Association, which was actually saving lives, even from plagues).

The conventional medical establishment and all it's arms (like the FDA, AMA, CDC, etc) is a cult. Worse, it is a military regime that will do anything (with not a shred of morality or ethics) to squash their competition and keep up their house of cards.

The truth stinks but telling it like it is it's the only way through this mess to the other side of it...

How to heal from this cult programming? I will be writing about this in future blog posts, so stay tuned. Sign up for updates if you don't wish to miss anything.

Please support our book writing to expose this medical cult and all other cults that harm people under the false pretense of goodness. Share this article with others and on social media.

Thank you, with bold truth, together we can crack the cult code.


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